This site is dedicated to the life and teaching of the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012

He is a visionary spiritual leader who, through his words and works, sought to reconnect an increasingly fragmented world with the Divine origin of life and, thus, give it new, transformative meaning.

In particular, he strove to unite the different faith traditions so that they could work together in the spirit of sacrificial love to address the many problems plaguing humanity. He promoted peace, based on living relationships with God, that would challenge and bring down barriers of race, religion, nationality, and culture that separate the human family.

He spoke of the original ideal of the family as the place where God could relate with his sons and daughters in the most intimate relationship of love. Children would be born and raised in God’s love. Through their relations with parents and siblings, and later with their spouse and their own children, would come to know the many aspects of that love.

The children from such families would grow to become righteous and responsible neighbors and citizens. Consequently, families would become the cornerstone of societies, nations, and a world where all people would live in peace, freedom, and happiness as one family under God.

“Hoondok” is a Korean term. Broadly translated,  it means the reading or study of teachings of truth.

This site is addressed primarily to the members of the Unification Movement that Rev. Moon founded. However, all are welcome to explore here and mine the wisdom of these teachings for your enlightenment.

To the Blessed Families and Members of the Unification Movement

As Blessed Families, as people who claim to be “owners of Cheon Il Guk” every time we recite the Family Pledge, we need to know who we are in the broad providential picture and what makes us different from people in the secular world. To do that we need to understand and claim the identity of a Blessed Family and an owner of Cheon Il Guk as our own.

To understand that identity, we should know where we come from, what foundation we stand upon. The root of our identity lies in the words and works of True Father (Rev. Moon). He is the root, we are the branches, twigs, and leaves. The sap from the root that can nourish and sustain us in the position we have been called to by God, is Father’s teaching.

He said that his legacy to us is his words and, in his elder years, he modelled for us the way to live in those words, to absorb them like the food we eat and air we breathe, through his daily hoondokhae practice. He said that through the hoondokhae tradition we can come to know Father’s heart at the different stages of the restoration providence.

This site created from the conviction that, only by Blessed Families each building their own foundation of faith through the hoondokhae tradition will God be able to move among us and show us a way forward, above and beyond the current divisions and diversions.